【Date and Time】Friday, 17 Jan, 17:00‐20:00, Japan time (GMT+9)
【Language】 English *No translation will be provided
【Arrangement Method】a hybrid meeting (Onsite and Online conference)
【Onsite venue】 Inamori Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
【Participants】 Faculty members and staff of Japanese and African Universities, Students interested in Japanese and African Universities, General public
Innovative Africa Program (Innovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource
Development in Africa’s SDGs) will host “The 4th IAfP Africa Japan University Education Exchange Meeting.”
This meeting will be held to promote student exchange and educational interaction between major African
universities and Japanese universities.
(You can register via the QR on the right)
Kyoto University https://iafp.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies http://www.tufs.ac.jp/iafp/
Portal Site for Studying Abroad in Japan and Africa https://st.iafp.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/
- 17:00-17:05 Greetings from guests of honour
Mr. Yusuke SHOUJI, Deputy Director, International Affairs Division Higher Education Bureau,Ministry of Education,Culture, Sports Science and Technology
- 17:05-17:20 Introduction of the IAfP and the Japan-African University Meeting
Prof. Motoki TAKAHASHI, Professor, the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
- 17:20-18:10 Keynote Speech
Prof. Margaret J. HUTCHINSON, Vice-Chancellor, University of Nairobi
- 18:10-19:05 Messages to African University Students From Former Students in Japanese Universities
・Prof. Ahmed Abdelrahman Zkria, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
・Mr. Fredrick Mussa Mwaikenda Coordinator, Center for Global Initiative, Tokyo University of Agriculture
・Ms. Ameni Guizani, Design Engineer, GPSS Engineering Inc Q&A Session
- 19:05-19:10 Break
- 19:10-19:55 Messages from Japanese Universities to African University Students and Faculty
・Prof. Ritsuko MIYAMOTO, Professor, Akita University
・Prof. Keiko IKEDA, Professor, Kansai University
・Prof. Masayoshi NOGUCHI, Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Q&A Session
- 19:55- 20:00 Closing remarks
Prof. Misa HIRANO (NOMOTO), Professor, the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
- 20:00 Closing
【Contact Us】 Africa Inter-University Exchange Project SDGs Human Resource Development and Platform Office
Tel 075-753-9196 Email: iafp-office@jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Hosted by Kyoto University and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies