The 2nd International Joint Conference (13-20 December 2021)



The 2nd International Joint Conference

Registration: closed

Poster session: 13 Dec to 20 Dec 2021 (Core time: 17 Dec 2021, 16:45-18:15 GMT+9)
Oral session: 20 Dec 2021 16:00-20:50

Poster session: Online, Core time in Spatial Chat
Oral session: Online(ZOOM)


Poster Session

Duration: 13 Dec to 20 Dec 2021 (Core time: 17 Dec 2021, 16:45-18:15 GMT+9)

01 Household solid waste composition in Djougou, Benin: an online preliminary survey
by Rika Hirao (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University), Daouda Gomina (Tout Autour de Nous NGO), Hidenori Harada (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
02 Rural Road Development and Its Challenges in South Ari Wereda, South Omo Zone, Ethiopia
by Kassahun Yemane Birhanu (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
03 Evaluation of Cropland Extent in the Upper Lunsemfwa Catchment in Zambia
by Ethel Mudenda (Integrated Water Resources Management Centre, University of Zambia)
04 Feeding niche segregation among Newtonia species (Vangidae) in three different forest type in Madagascar
by Rija Sylvain Rakotosoa (Zoology and Animal Biodiversity Mention, University of Antananarivo)
05 Rural community road access and its effects on staple crop production: the case of enset production and sustainability in south Aari woreda south Omo zone Ethiopia
by Argachew Bochena (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
06 Triticale in North Wollo, Ethiopia and my achievements in IAfP
by Sisay Leul (Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University)
07 Politics over Conflict Ceasefire among and within the Conflict Parties: Why Sierra Leonean Armed-Conflict ended?
by Yuka Matsubara (Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
08 The outsourcing of childcare to formal care in Addis Ababa: governance and utilization of private daycare centers
by Addisu Meseret Tadesse (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
09 Design and Fabrication of Grass Cutting Machine
by Dickson Mallya, Athuman Mahinda


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Oral Session

Date: 20th December 2021 (Mon)
Time: 16:00-20:50 JST(GMT+9)
Venue: Online Conference via Zoom service
Time Table
15:30-16:00 Connection testing time
15:55-16:00 Announcement from IAFP Project office
16:00-16:05 Opening remarks
16:05-17:25 Session 1: Identity, Well-being, and Health
(5 minutes Break)
17:30-18:10 Session 2: Life of Primates
18:10-19:10 Session 3: Land and Water
(5 minutes Break)
19:15-19:55 Session 4: Risk and Management of Environment
19:55-20:35 Session 5: Planning and Social Responsibility
(5 minutes Break)
20:40-20:50 Closing and Awarding Ceremony of Short-Term Online Course

(15 minutes for research presentation,5 minutes for comments and Q&A,total 20 minutes)


  • Innovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP: Innovative Africa Program)
  • Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University


Program of oral session

(By clicking titles, you can see the abstract of each presentation).

Session 1: Identity, Well-being, and Health (16:05-17:25)
Comment: Prof. Misa HIRANO-NOMOTO (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)

Culture and childhood tuberculosis in Yaoundé-Cameroon: A study in medical anthropology
by Ngong Ferdinard Nyunwu (Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, University of Yaoundé 1)
The socio-cultural perception of Covid-19 and compliance to vaccination amongst Ekoumdoum neighborhood of Yaoundé, Cameroon
by Tangwa Faith Youayeeh, (Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, University of Yaoundé 1)
An analysis of the impact of Covid-19 lockdown on disabled people’s organizations in urban Zambia
by Mika KUSAKABE (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Importance of cultural identity in modern era
by Keratile Moses Israel (Faculty of Humanities, University of Botswana)

(5 minutes break)


Session 2: Life of Primates (17:30-18:10)
Comment: Prof. Gen YAMAKOSHI (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)

How do males associate with other males in their group? Comparative studies of male aggression and association pattern of the genus Pan
by Shohei SHIBATA (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
A new distribution area of bushbabies, Galagoides demidovii (Galagidae, Primates) in Kinshasa, D.R. Congo
by Jerry B. NKENKU1, Jean M. Malekani1
1 Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, University of Kinshasa

Session 3: Land and Water (18:10-19:10)
Comment: Prof. Hidenori HARADA (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)

Characterizing the mechanical behavior of soil treated with finely shredded paper and hydrated lime
by Teshome Birhanu (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
Quantifying spatial and temporal variability of water quality for Mindolo stream in Kitwe-Zambia
by McPherson James SIPATELA (School of Engineering, University of Zambia)
A Fully Coupled Spatially Distributed Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Model for the Barotse Floodplain, Upper Zambezi Basin
by Innocent C. Chomba1, Kawawa E. Banda1, Hessel C. Winsemius2,3, Makungu Eunice44, Dennis Hughes4, Markus Hrachowitz3, Dirk Eilander3, Henry M. Sichingabula5, Imasiku A. Nyambe1
1 Integrated Water Resources Management Centre, Department of Geology, School of Mines, The University of Zambia
2 Water Resources Section, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Applied Geosciences, Delft University of Technology
3 Deltares
4 Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University
5 Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, School of Natural Sciences, The University of Zambia


(5 minutes break)


Session 4: Risk and Management of Environment (19:15-19:55)
Comment: Prof. Sameh Ahmed KANTOUSH (Water Resources Research Center)

Global planning measures to reduce Flash Floods risk in urban areas
by Kareem Ahmed Fouad Ali Ayyad (Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning, Cairo University)
Urban Climate Change Resilience: A case study for the impacts of sea-level rise on Nile Delta North Coast cities
by Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Abdou1, Sameh Ahmed KANTOUSH2
1 Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning, Cairo University
2 Water Resources Research Center, Kyoto University

Session 5: Planning and Social Responsibility (19:55-20:35)
Comment: Prof. Motoki TAKAHASHI(Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)

Examining the effectiveness of the extractive industries transparency initiative on revenue transparency and accountability in the extractive sector of Sierra Leone
by Wusu Conteh (Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
A policy analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in the mining and oil&gaz sector: a comparative approach between Gabon and South Africa
by Achille Gildas Ndong Ntoutoume (Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)


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