English Proposal Training (9th IAfP Research Seminar Series/AY2022 Online Lecture Series on Lifelong Sciences)


On July 19, the English Proposal Training Seminar was held as the “9th IAfP Research Seminar Series/AY2022 Online Lecture Series on Lifelong Sciences” by Addis Ababa University, (Ethiopia), Kyoto University, and other research projects (Note 1). Six graduate students from the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University participated in the seminar.
From July 13 to 15, Dr. Mamo gave students individual tutorials through the online workspace, and the training seminar was held on July 19. The students commented that they were able to prepare a more feasible research plan for the field survey scheduled in August and beyond.

Note 1 Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) 2020AY – 2024AY “Lifelong Sciences – Re-conceptualization of development and aging in the super aging society” (No. 20H05806)