The First IAfP Joint Meeting for human resource development in Africa


“Innovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs” will hold the First IAfP Joint Meeting for human resource development in Africa. The meeting aims to share information and networking on human resource development between organizations such as companies and foundations related to Africa and universities in Japan.

Date and Time: 17 Jan (Mon), 15:00‐17:00(JST)

Language: Japanese

Venue: Online conference

Participants: Persons involved in organizations such as companies and foundations related to Africa, and faculty members and staff of Japanese universities involved in education and human resource development related to Africa.

Entry: (Entry deadline:13 Jan (Thu), 12:00(JST))


TimeChair: Motoki Takahashi, Director, the Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
15:00 – 15:10Opening address
  • Takao Hirajima, Executive Vice President of Kyoto University
  • Jun Matsukuma, Vice President of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
15:10 – 15:20Greetings from guests of honor
  • Orie Kishimoto, Chief Inspector, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology
15:20 – 16:05Human resource development and specific needs from practical organizations such as companies related to Africa
  • Yusuke Saraya, President, Saraya Corporation
  • Akira WADA, General Manager, Africa Planning Department, Africa Division, Toyota Tsusho Corporation
  • Ryuichi KATO, Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency
16:05 – 16:35Efforts for study abroad and career development between Africa and Japan from Japanese universities
  • Nagasaki University: Satoshi Kaneko, Professor, Institute of Tropical Medicines, NTD Innovation Center
  • Ehime University: Osamu Kobayashi, Assistant Professor, Director, Asia-Africa Center Institute for International Relations (IIR)
  • Kyoto Seika University: Oussouby Sacko, President
16:35 – 16:55Experience of human resources in Japan and Africa
  • Yuto Ishimatsu, Marubeni Corporation
  • Mohamed Abdin, Santen Pharmaceutical Corporation
16:55 – 17:00Closing remarks
Masayoshi Shigeta, Dean, the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies


Innovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP: Innovative Africa Program)
Co-hosted by Kyoto University and the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies