“AY2021 IAfP Short-term online exchange programs – Addis Ababa University – / AY2021 Online lecture series on lifelong sciences” was held

news/Student Exchange Program A

From 1 February to 12 March 2022, the “AY2021 IAfP Short-term online exchange programs – Addis Ababa University – / AY2021 Online lecture series on lifelong sciences” took place as part of the “Innovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs”1, or IAfP, conducted by Addis Ababa University (AAU) in Ethiopia and Kyoto University. These exchange programs/lectures were held in conjunction with two relevant research projectsand in partnership with KyotoU’s Center for African Area Studies. Ten students took part: seven from Kyoto University and three from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

The 2021–2022 events included four lectures, two workshops, and a round-table talk. The lectures were delivered by AAU faculty and addressed the following topics in relation to fieldwork research: quantitative and qualitative approaches; life history approaches; sounds, music instruments, and performance research; and higher education and outreach in Ethiopia. Following each of these presentations, students responded to questions about the assignments they had submitted in advance. This helped them deepen their understanding of the topics covered and contribute to lively discussions. Students also participated in a poster session of an international workshop, where they actively exchanged opinions with the presenters on issues related to Africa.

1 Innovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP: Innovative Africa Program)

2 Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) FY2020–2024 “Lifelong Sciences: Re-conceptualization of development and aging in the super aging society” (No 20H05806) and the SATREPS-MNGD Project (JPMJSA1807)