International Symposium for Global Sanitation “The Sanitation Triangle: Socio-Culture, Health, Materials” (October 14, 2021)


Date: October 14, 2021
Time: 13:00 – 17:00 (JST)
Online (ZOOM)
Language: English
*Pre-registration is required
Contact: Sanitation Project, RIHN
E-mail: sanitation_HQ [at]


 Sanitation refers to a system that hygienically separates humans from harmful excreta and promotes its safe treatment and disposal. To date, sanitation issues have been focused on infrastructure and facility installation, environmental conservation for alleviation of water and soil contamination, and adverse health outcomes linked to unimproved sanitation. However, sanitation goes beyond technology, encompassing values spawned amidst humans and local communities, which can fall into the nexus of three components: Health, Materials, and Socio-Culture. Our observations of this nexus led to the creation of the Sanitation Triangle concept.

 This symposium brings this novel concept which is the culmination of our international research addressing global sanitation. We deliver each component of the Sanitation Triangle above, which comprises concepts and case studies. Notably, it showcases interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research works involving a variety of local actors ranging from children and youth to local governments.

 Now, it is time to grab the Sanitation Triangle and embark on an enlightened quest through global sanitation.

Taro Yamauchi (RIHN/Hokkaido University, Sanitation Project Leader)


  • Welcome Address
    Juichi YAMAGIWA (RIHN, Director-General)
  • Opening Remarks
    Taro YAMAUCHI (RIHN/Hokkaido University)
  • Keynote Address
    The Sanitation as a Value Creating System
    Naoyuki FUNAMIZU (Muroran Institute of Technology)
  • 13:40–13:50
    Q & A
  • (13:50–13:55 Break)
  • Introduction
    The Sanitation Triangle for SDGs and beyond
  • Socio-Culture14:05–14:20
    Socio-Cultural Aspects of Sanitation
    Seiji NAKAO (Kyoto University)
  • 14:20–14:35
    Dissociation between National Policy and Local Communities in regard to Water Supply Management
    Mayu IKEMI (Sapporo International University)
  • 14:35–14:40
    Q & A
  • Health
    Sociocultural Determinants of Health in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • 14:55–15:10
    Participatory Action Research for WASH with Children and Youth in Peri-Urban Communities
    Sikopo NYAMBE (Hokkaido University)
  • 15:10–15:15
    Q & A
  • Materials
    Interactions between Materials and Socio-Culture in Sanitation
    Hidenori HARADA (Kyoto University)
  • 15:30–15:45
    Social Relationships and Material Flow in the Co-Creation of Sanitation Systems
    Ken USHIJIMA (Hokkaido Research Organization)
  • 15:45–15:50
    Q & A
  • (15:50–15:55 Break)
  • Comments & Discussion
    Comment 1: Paul SHRIVASTAVA (The Pennsylvania State University)
  • 16:05–16:15
    Comment 2: Tetsu SATO (Ehime University)
  • 16:15–16:55
  • Closing Remarks

  • Organized by
    “The Sanitation Value Chain: Designing Sanitation Systems as Eco-Community-Value System” Project, Research
    Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
    Supported by
    The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
    “Innovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs”