12th IAfP Research Seminar/The 4th Lifelong Sciences Research Seminar “Living and Learning in Kyoto(Japan): A modest reflection on my experience(and conversation with young students from Africa)”

news/Student Exchange Program A

Date and time: 27 October, 15:00-17:00 at JST
Venue: Large conference room, 3rd floor, Inamori building
Guest lecturer: Dr. Mamo Hebo, Addis Ababa University/Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO)

 15:00-15:10 Introduction
 15:10-16:10 Lecture
  Mamo Hebo
  Living and Learning in Kyoto(Japan): A modest reflection on my experience
  (and conversation with young students from Africa)
 16:10-17:00 Question and Comments

Innovative Africa Program (IAfP); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for Transformative Research Areas(A) “Lifelong sciences: Reconceptualization of development and aging in the super aging society “[No.20H05806]; Center for African Area Studies; International Student Support office [The Center for On-Site Education and Research]