The 16th Committee for Japanese Universities for the Inter-University Exchange Project (Africa)

Platform Project B/報告/news

 On October 7, 2024, the 16th Committee of Japanese Universities for the Inter-University Exchange Project (Africa) was held online. Thirty-three faculty members and staff from member universities involved in the project participated.

 First, as the Inter-University Exchange Project (Africa) aims to build and share best practices that can be instrumental for promotion of student exchange between other Japanese universities and African counterparts. For this brainstorming session, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) and Utsunomiya University gave presentations. Moving forward, we plan to have presentations on the best practices from each member university at the final symposium in February 2025.

 Next, the Secretariat Office has proposed the schedule for the second half of the fiscal year 2024. Additionally, the Secretariat requested cooperation from each university in increasing the number of African universities listed in the Japan-Africa University Database.

 Furthermore, the Secretariat has provided information on the post-project follow-up initiative, specifically introducing the World Bank’s Africa Scholarships Scheme: Partnership for Skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET) / Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (Rsif). They also shared the survey results on the past and anticipated records of student exchange program from each university.

 Finally, the Secretariat proposed holding the final symposium in February 2025, an opportunity to publicize the role of university student exchange and other activities.