Platform Project B Formation of Platforms for Promoting Transdisciplinary Human Resources for SDGs-Oriented Innovation in Africa
Summary of the Platform Project
In order to promote far-reaching innovation in various areas and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa, we will build collaborative and interactive networks between the universities in Japan and Africa, and between the universities and practical institutions engaged in Africa.
The university educational exchange between Japan and Africa is underdeveloped. There are several reasons for this: collaborations between Japanese universities are far from satisfactory; information regarding Japanese and African universities is not mutually accessible; and university students and teachers on both the sides face difficulties in accessing useful information regarding the studies in either Japan or Africa, as well as the students’ expected career design.
We, Kyoto University, and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies will overcome these problems through the following actions: networking between Japanese (member universities and others) and African universities, both domestically and internationally, networking among Japanese universities and practical stakeholders, and creating information platforms on university education, safety, and livelihoods in Africa.
- Committee for Japanese Universities’ International Exchange Program with Africa
- Network of Japanese Universities for the Exchange with Africa
- Network of Japanese and African Universities
- Advisory Committee for Developing Human Resources for Africa
- Joint Meeting for Stakeholders and Universities for Africa