Matching support between the Tshwane University of Technology and Japanese universities The secretariat of Kyoto University’s inter-university exchange program — a platform-building program for developing highly innovative human resources for the SDGs in Africa (Kyoto IAfP secretariat) — initiated support with the Tshwane University of Technology in South Africa, which wishes to conduct exchange programs and cooperate with Japanese universities. On...
Participation of IAfP Members in the Meeting on Africa-Japan University Collaboration On October 11, 2022, the Meeting on Africa-Japan University Collaboration was held online. Professor Damtew Teferra of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) represented the Association of African Universities (AAU) in the meeting. Participants from Kyoto University, Tohoku University, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Sophia University, and...
University of Pretoria president visits Kyoto University On October 4, 2022, Professor Tawana Kupe, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Pretoria in South Africa visited the Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University. Dr. Farai Kapfudzaruwa, a strategic specialist and Professor Masafumi Nagao, a visiting professor and a professor emeritus, Hiroshima University accompanied him. Prior to...
12th IAfP Research Seminar/The 4th Lifelong Sciences Research Seminar “Living and Learning in Kyoto(Japan): A modest reflection on my experience(and conversation with young students from Africa)” Living and Learning in Kyoto(Japan): A modest reflection on my experience(and conversation with young students from Africa)
New Frontier of Student Exchange between Japanese and African Universities -The IAfP Africa-Japan University education exchange meeting 2022- (The 7th Committee for Japanese Universities’ International Exchange Program) held online as a TICAD 8 side event On 24 August 2022, Kyoto University and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) hosted the “New Frontier of Student Exchange between Japanese and African Universities —The IAfP Africa-Japan University education exchange meeting 2022 — TICAD 8 side event “. This online meeting was part of the “Innovative Africa: Educational Networking...
11th IAfP Research Seminar/The 3rd Lifelong Sciences Research Seminar Fieldwork report on the community road construction, the history of road disasters, and life histories in Ethiopia
10th IAfP Research Seminar/The 2nd Lifelong Sciences Date and Time: 15 September 2022, 16:00~18:30 at JSTGuest Commentator: Dr. Mamo Hebo, Addis Ababa University/ Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO)Hybrid meeting, venue room504, common buildingLanguage: English 【Program】16:00-17:00 Fieldwork report on the outsourcing of childcare to formal care in Ethiopia[tentative]Addisu Meseret, Kyoto University 17:00-17:30 Comments on the presentationMamo Hebo 17:30-18:30...
A Case of Japan-Africa Advanced Human Resources Career Development: African Professional in Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. This article is a transcription of the presentation by Mr. Abdin Mohammed at the IAfP Joint Meeting for Human Resource Development for Africa (January 17, 2022). Mohamed Abdin (CSR Group Planning Development Division, Global Inclusion Strategy Planning, Santen Pharmaceutical Co.) Today, I would like to discuss the story of how...
New Frontier of Student Exchange between Japanese and African Universities -The IAfP Africa-Japan University education exchange meeting 2022- TICADⅧ Side Event (The 7th Committee for Japanese Universities’ International Exchange Program) Innovative Africa Program (Innovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs) will host “New Frontier of Student Exchange between Japanese and African Universities: the second IAfP Africa Japan University Education Exchange Meeting.” This meeting will be held to promote student exchange and educational interaction between major...
English Proposal Training (9th IAfP Research Seminar Series/AY2022 Online Lecture Series on Lifelong Sciences) On July 19, the English Proposal Training Seminar was held as the “9th IAfP Research Seminar Series/AY2022 Online Lecture Series on Lifelong Sciences” by Addis Ababa University, (Ethiopia), Kyoto University, and other research projects (Note 1). Six graduate students from the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto...
“JAPAN AFRICA University Student Exchange Portal Site” is launched “JAPAN AFRICA University Student Exchange Portal Site” is launched. The site contains a database of universities accepting Japanese students in Africa and universities accepting African students in Japan. In the future, the news on study abroad programs and other information will be distributed. ⇒ “JAPAN AFRICA University Student Exchange Portal Site”...
Introduction movie of Innovative Africa Program is published Introduction movie of Innovative Africa Program is published in the Innovative Africa Channel.